Day 32: Well, Glad That's Over With

Today went pretty well, I reckon. 

We got up early to send Sheryl home, then I went back to sleep. 

I woke up again and went for a run, which was refreshing. I didn't run very far, and I didn't run very fast, but I ran, and that feels good. No green squares/yellow squares/red squares this year. 

After a shower, I cleaned the house some, since James came tonight. I didn't clean it much, but some. Like, if you walked in, you'd not say, "wow, someone cleaned this house!" But, you also wouldn't say, "wow, someone needs to clean this house." That's the medium I aim for. 

Izzy went to meet with one of the H@ngout students, and Matthew went to a coffee shop to hang out with Jesus. So I worked some more on my teaching for tonight. 

Matthew and I bought some salads and we went to church. I gave my teaching, Matthew led worship (it included this song, but obviously even better sounding). I don't feel great about the teaching, but I don't feel bad about it. I stumbled through a lot of the Spanish, but I shared about this past year and some of the refinement God allowed me to walk through. It still makes me sad to think about how much I needed to be humbled and grown, and even sadder to think about the people that got bruised along the way. It's good to be able to share though, and I think the vulnerability sets a good tone for any series connected to Psalms.

After church, I got to talk for a little while with Don Franklin, who is just the cooelest guy ever. He told me some more of his life story, growing up in Nicaragua, leaving his house at a young age because of domestic violence, finding Jesus. Last time we talked he told me about meeting his wife. His granddaughter was there, so she came by a few times between playing with the other kids to tell him something very important and then skip off again. 

We left church to go get James from the airport and then got some dinner and came home. I got to talk with Alexis a little bit, even though it's  l a t e  there. Everyone's settled in now, and ready to start early tomorrow. We're going to pack James' weekend here as full of events and serving as we can. When you get a resource like James Lund for the amount of time we have him, you don't mess around. You gotta aprovechar

-for this weekend to go well!
-for students to come on Saturday and for people to come Sunday to our events
-for our team to engage well with God
-for God to move in power int he church here

Hm...Sheryl being gone means I won't have nearly as many good pictures here. I may have to start taking my own. Let's see what I've got. I don't have any of me teaching or anything, but if I get sent the audio, I'll put it here for y'all.

I found these WhatsApp stickers that kinda look like Alexis and I <3

This is an amazing book.
Izzy found a Spanish typo though, so I'm send this picture to the ministry that puts it out
