Day 16: So, I got pooped on today

Today was a pretty good day :) 

"Wait, what about the title?"

I mean, yea, that happened. We'll get there.

Ok, Wednesday, here we go:

Woke up mildly early, went to Walmart to meet up with Lagos and Ana Raquel. 
Walked back from Walmart with some bags of H@ngout stuff while Lagos, Ana Raquel, and Izzy did the shoppings for the foods.
Got back to the Airbnb and we combined all the food into tastier food (s y n e r g y). 

It's more accurate to say Ana Raquel, Sheryl, and Lagos did that. I did make tea, though. Powder + Water + Kinetic Energy + Sketchy Guestimation = Tasty Tea (s y n e r g y)

Also, I poisoned Matthew today. I gave him a piece of mango I was eating and it made his lips angry. He's ok now though.

Half of us got into an Uber to head to campus while the other half finished up, so that we would be there when people started arriving. Our Uber driver was chill, we talked about Lawyery stuff (with our driver) and then talked about ministry models (not with our driver). We got to campus and walked over to the H@ngout spot and.......saw the other half of our team already there. Somehow, they left 7 minutes after us and got there 5 minutes before us on what is supposed to be a 10-minute drive. I'm really not sure how that happened.

Anyway, we did H@ngout. Our food today was arroz con todo, and it was amazing. Almost everyone went for seconds. Lagos asked me to share, briefly, why we were there with a little bit of gospel thrown in. I didn't go very in-depth because I think that's more the point of the Tuesday and Thursday times. 

We ate and chilled and then most of the group left to go to classes. Those who were left started playing Unstable Unicorns, which is a fun and frustrating game to play and a fun game to watch. I just watched people play, so it was lovely.

There were a ton of parrots in the tree above us and about 7 people got pooped on. Mostly Matthew. It was rough. He got poisoned and pooped on today and took it all in stride. What a champ. They got me too. In my hair. Wasn't my most favorite experience in Costa Rica. It was a very bonding experience though, I guess, lol. I washed my hair out in a bathroom sink, and have since taken two showers, so I think I'm good. I may shave my head, just in case.

We came home, we were all kinda, well, pooped. Tomorrow, Sheryl and Matthew are going to go to campus, so Georgen, Doña Maria, Izzy, y yo will hold it down at the CDI. It will probably be pretty crazy. Pray for us.

Izzy and I laid out some plans for the English lesson tomorrow. We have the basic structure now, so it's easier. We came up with some pretty good word-learning combinations and an activity to help it sink in. I'm excited to see how it goes, but a little nervous still. I'll be doing the devotional tomorrow, and I still need to dedicate time tonight to thinking about what exactly I want to say. We have it mostly planned out, but in a bullet-point kind of way, so it needs some fleshing out.

I had a really productive phone call with Alexis, and even got a run in today. I haven't run nearly as much this year as last year, but I also am starting out in much better shape than last year. Well, somewhat better anyway. I think times when I run consistently are times when my mental and emotional health are usually the best. Idk if that's a chicken or an egg kinda thing. I didn't really stretch though, so I'll probably be sore tomorrow. 

I feel in a weird mood today, now that I'm thinking about it. Alexis noticed, other people probably did too. Maybe I'm tired. I feel... (insert spinning emotion wheel here) ... like there's a fog between me and the world. I think it is connected to being tired and my brain feeling Spanish stretched and being suddenly inundated with social interaction in large groups after seeing a little less of that in the past year.

I feel good though. I need to work more on memorizing. I took a couple of days off (not on purpose), so I want to start back up!

-I feel like there is never enough time, pray for me to not waste time, but also to prioritize well
-for our H@ngout friends to really open up their hearts to God's call on them
-for our CDI students to be shaped and molded by the scripture we're sharing with them
-for our split team tomorrow to be successful in the different directions we're serving
-for the church here to be blessed and aware of God's presence
-for my fog to dissipate


  1. Sam! I have admittedly not been keeping up with your blog and prayers as much as I would like. Brad and I sat down and read them together tonight. I can definitely sympathize with your feelings of being stretched in Spanish and energy with the kiddos. I felt that this year with my prek babies who were non English speaking. I learned so much Spanish for them. They learned so much English for me. I will pray that your energy can return quickly. Something very unique happens when you spend a lot of time with children. They require a level of service and energy only God can provide. And the kids will remember the efforts you made for them for the rest of their lives. Every year I’m in awe of the work you are doing with the tiny humans.

    Also- is Alexis feeling better now? The stomach bug we have here in our school has been next level. 💕


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