Day 14: Some Days, Everything Goes Right

Today was sorta kinda mostly one of those days... except for the things that went wrong, i guess.

Monday means CDI! 

We got to the CDI, we set up the tables, we cleaned, we organized. Kids came! 

Our planning sesh yesterday definitely paid off. We maybe didn't do everything exactly how we originally planned it, but I think all the things we did came out just right. Our devotional was great. The kids were a little rowdy and distracted, but they seemed to absorb the main point. Matthew did a great job of being fun, but serious. We're talking about Respect for basically the whole time we are here, and we've... well, wait a second. Can you come up with a one-sentence definition of respect? I think you should pause and try to define respect in our own way before you keep reading. 

I know you didn't do it and you're still reading, it's ok, I still respect you. 

We talked through it for a while as a team and landed on three different...types or levels or aspects of respect. 1. Every human is made in God's image and therefore worthy of respect. 2. Everyone has specific skills they are good at that are specifically and uniquely worthy of respect. 3. Some people are in positions of authority that merit special respect. 

Sometimes these things clash. What if someone's behavior isn't appropriate human behavior? Should we still respect them? What if someone is in authority and doesn't live up to their position? Should we still respect them? Is respect something that has to be earned, or can it just be freely given (same question as trust)? I think the biblical answer to these questions goes against a lot of what we hold in our western paradigm.

Anyway, so we're talking about Respect with the kids and we've landed on the following definition (it's not too late to make your own):

"Recognizing someone's or something's Value, and acting accordingly."

I think that's a really good definition. I'm very pleased with us. So anyway, Matthew also did some cool object lessons to help that sink in a little.

Our English lesson went super well. We are trying a new structure (pray, ABC's for pronunciation, learn some new words, practice what we've learned already) and are also going to build a repertoire of phrases that can only be said in English at the CDI. This week, the phrase is "Do you want to play?" The kids really got into it and were practicing the English we learned for the rest of the day, which was fun. Many points to Sheryl and Izzy for their teamwork on this, I think this year's lessons are going to be our best yet.

Jeikol was in an interesting mood today. He wasn't angry (though he still was quick to anger with the other students), but he was very intractable. We couldn't get him to sit still or not distract other students. Then, during the English lesson, he sat apart by himself with Matthew and he did an amazing job. He focused and he was more engaged with the lesson than I've ever seen. He even answered a few of the questions (and correctly at that). 

Izzy, Sheryl, and I bussed home and Matthew longboarded in the park before coming home as well. We had some dinner and joked some jokes and then Matthew and I cleaned up a little while Sheryl and Izzy went to get supplies for tomorrow. 

I just got off the phone with Alexis, and Matthew is talking with Tannia todavia. So, yea. I miss my fiancée. Rather a lot.

-for wisdom in our interactions with the kids
-for the Bible study tomorrow night to go well
-for good rest and energy this week
-for us to walk with God

Matthew making money for his lesson

Wow, actually listening kids

I lost in this arm wrestle, but it was close

This is a bus
