Day 13: Planning, Planning, and Fútbol

Today was quite lovely.

I woke up and zoomed with Alexis to plan some stuff (i miss her a lot). It went really well and I'm very excited!

After that, I spent some time working on Psalm/Salmo 139/139. I'm now up through verse 6, though the Spanish is a little rougher than the English. Hopefully, at this rate, I'll finish by around June 10. Then I'll just need to keep reinforcing it through the rest of the time here. Memorizing scripture is cool because you notice little things about the words and about the flow of the passage. 

For example, 139:1, "Oh Lord, you have searched me and you know me." "Searched" and "known" are similar, but different. God puts in the time and effort to search us. He doesn't just passively have all the information about us in his brain (I do think he does have it); he searches us. There's an intentionality and investment there. Also, people can search us, but never truly know or understand us. But God does, he genuinely knows us. He deeply understands us. 

Anyway, I had Alexis' leftover Duke's for lunch, which was very tasty (thanks, love). Then, we did some  P L A N N I N G  as a team. We mapped out our week schedule and added in some things. We planned out our devotionals and English lessons, we planned out our Bible study times with H@ngout, we made some team/house plans... it was awesome and it took at least 2 hours. That's my idea of a good time.

It rained like crazy today. We opened the garage door and just watched it. We also saw a guy ride a horse down our street, so that was unexpected. 

After planning, I got a 20-minute couch nap and then we went to a bar/restaurant next to campus and watched the Saprissa/Liga game with students from H@ngout. We got to the place about 30 minutes early and went ahead and ordered some food. I got chifrijo, which is a traditional bar food here. It was delicioso. The H@ngout students showed up and the game was on every available screen.
This was the second in a serires of 2 and it was some kind of championship game. It was a big deal. Watching it with 6 students from H@ngout - sprinkled in with conversation about politics, sports, culture, God, religion, tattoos, and faith - was amazing. I'm excited for the times we'll get to spend with them as we move forward. Some funny things happened, but I honestly don't really remember them right now, lol.

Tomorrow starts up another (though more carefully planned out) week. I'm curious to see how it goes!

-for us to walk with God in our time here and point others towards him
-for wisdom as we interact with the kids and students
-for God's Spirit to move powerfully in hearts here
-for the church here to be blessed
-for good connections between different sectors and areas of the Church here

Excellent start to the day

I mean... why not?


We briefly sent Matthew to the end of the table to be our selfie-taker
