Day 45: Starting Up with the New Team

Ok, time is 10:08 (notably divisible by 9). I was once, long ago, asked how long it takes me to write my blog. I didn't really know, but gave an estimate. Let's find out. 

Good day. Please Pray. The End. Ok, only 1 minute, yay!

Ha. Ha. Ha. 

Woke up marginally late today at 9:27 and went for a run. Today was a 3-miles day and it went ok. Ok, some time lost there, I just took a break from writing to check my running schedule and update it with my green square. Still no reds! Running may have been a good idea. I've been coughing ever since. (I see you, body...don't fight me, we're tryna be friends. Remember the decade of all soda and almost no water?) Yes, I just threatened myself. Anyway, run went ok, except the aforementioned coughing thing. It started raining as I finished, so I didn't stretch or do anything else though. Tomorrow is rest, but I kinda want to run some more. I won't have time though, and Wednesday is another time-myself 5k. 

Ok, so I ran. Got back and sat in our doorway so I wouldn't sweat or rain-drip in the house. My room isn't super ventilated, so I'm tryna take steps to avoid putting wet clothes in there, ya know? ...just...dried...sweaty....ones. Ew.

Showered. Had a banana for brunch (it's like 11:00 by now). Got the team ready. Izzy and Katie headed to a clinic with Ana Raquel to make sure Izzy was only normal-sick (she's ok, just on meds and restricted from unhealthy foods for a few days, poor homie). The guys headed to the CDI and opened it up for our noon-o'clock meeting. O'clock is a funny thing. 

Had the meeting, it was mostly about the camp we have coming up. It's exciting having Georgen back, and I am super curious to hear how her CDI training in Honduras went. My shoulder is itchy, hang on. Ok, fixed it. 

The kids started showing up and we started CDI-ing. We had a smaller crew than normal, just the 3 guys whose names I now completely know (Angel, Erick, Willy), Saul, Sharon, y Ian. It was fun though, and a good start for our guys. They all did really, really well today. Very willing to serve, very engaged with the kids, very encouraging to me. 

I did the devotional, our last iteration of the Love weeks. We'll do it twice more tomorrow, then Thursday will just be practicing the memory verse. I need to get some prizes. It should be something not lame though. Orale, now I need to think about that. El amor es paciente, es bondadoso, no es envidioso, ni jactancioso, ni orgulloso. El amor no se enoja facilmente, no guarda rencor, no se delieta con la maldad, sino que se regocija con la verdad. I think that's accurate, and I think that's what we've learned so far. Not sure if regocija is right. Rejociga? Recojiga? Naw, I think regocija. Anyway, if I'ma ask them to do it, I should too, yea? Maybe Thursday we should make a craft that says the whole verse that they can take home. Should have been doing that all along, methinks. 

Memorizing verses in Spanish is fun. It's a lot easier if you know it in English though. I love how Psalm 23 sounds in Spanish, you should read it. I read NVI, but there's some good translations out there.

Today, our devotional (at Carlos Gomez' suggestion) focused on Loving Yourself (cue the Kendrick song). Sorry, just paused to find that and play it on Spotify. Gomez suggested that topic (after we covered Love God, Love People, Love Enemies) because there's some deep-seated identity issues in these kids. Costa Rica is deeply stacked against Nicaraguan immigrants, even second-gen people like our kids. They have all the rights from the government, but people are against them. Idk if that gets classified as racism or nationalism, but either way, it's rough. And, when you're told your whole life that you're less-than, it adds up. 

Anyway, so I shared identity things that the Bible says about us (made in God's image, fearfully and wonderfully, of much greater value than many sparrows (a.k.a. provided for by God), having the Spirit of adoption and sonship, and made on purpose for a purpose (to to good works, prepared in advance)). It felt rough, and disjointed, but I'll get two more tries tomorrow. Afterwards, James told me it seemed like it went well, which meant a lot, though I brushed it off. James being here is such a blessing and encouragement to me, tbh. I look up to him a lot. 

After the CDI, we headed home. Evan (with assistants) made some chicken curry stuff that was so freaking tasty (homie can cook, y'all). Izzy and I did dishes, as per tradition (Ag 'em, giggies). 

We had a team worship time, which was lovely, though it brought sharply to mind my insecurities about team dynamics and I felt sad. But, sadness is a good impetus to worship the Lord (e.g. Psalms).

Some TV was watched. (Ted Lasso)

I got to message Alexis some. I'm getting really tired of not being in the same place as her, though I'm not ready to be done in Costa Rica yet. I see a lot of really wonderful ways that God is guiding and protecting things in my relationship with Alexis, for which I am very grateful. I'm not really naturally good at deep relationship (my closer friends just sighed a little sadly and nodded); I wiggle and build walls and lean back and am sometimes just dumb. 

Tomorrow starts early and probably goes late (especially if things go how i hope).

Even listening to music hasn't gotten the flippin banana song out of my head yet. And then, right underneath that level is the coconut song. Send musical help. 

-for us to walk in step with the Spirit
-for good team dynamics
-for good connection with the kids tomorrow
-for God to speak truth to their hearts
-for good time management and project opportunities this week
-for a great last H@ngout time
-for our team to have good times with God and be aware of his leading
-for our Balkans team!

Didn't take pictures today (oops) I'll try to get a whole-team picture or two tomorrow. 

Here's a Yiguirro, it's the national ave here:


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