Day 42: wow, so many possible tangents

Pacing was weird today. It was a very slow and fast day. 

Ooh, actually that's how my run went, too. I woke up and went for a 3-mile run today. I'm in a weird in-between spot where 3 miles isn't a long run, but it's not easy either. So, I yo-yoed my pace too much and ended up walking a bit. But, it was a good workout still. Hopefully, I'll be stretched out enough for my run tomorrow to go well. 

After running and showering, I did laundry and chilled for a while, then decided I would clean just my room. Our plan was to clean together as a team when everyone was back. So, I cleaned my room. Then, I thought, maybe I'd just sweep the outside clothes-drying room. And then just the living room. I ended up cleaning most of the house, which was very cathartic and relaxing. There's something spiritual about taking a room that's messy or dirty and working it until it is clean and organized.

Cleaned, ate some leftovers for lunch, watched some Ted Lasso as a team.

There was a brief nap, then I took another shower after cleaning before church. I think my body wants to be sick. Like, my throat is a little scratchy in the mornings and I just feel a little off. But, we had a talk - my body and I - and I let me know that it's not the time for it, so I think I'll come around. 

Church was lovely; Alejandro shared about family culture. He talked about the importance of navigating changes and setting norms and that Christ needs to be the main piece of any healthy family culture. The whole group was very invested and he sought out opinions from a lot of people while he was sharing. I got to read a verse in Spanish, and he told me he liked my Bible.

Lagos headed home (Ana no vino, i don't know if she was just getting ready for tomorrow or not feeling well), so our team, along with Esther and her roommate, Rebecca, fuimos a comer. On the ride over, we talked a bit about everything happening in the States with RvW and how social media is undermining our ability to have discussions. I think it's because in real communication, you have to seek first to understand, and then to be understood (7 habits, what what), and on social media, the general idea is to express myself. Anyway, interesting car conversation. 

At the restaurant, we chatted a bit, and then the conversation turned to relationships and marriage. It was fun and fascinating conversation. It stands out to me that, in the same way that no two people are exactly alike, but reflect God's glory in manifold and beautiful ways, relationships are even more varied, because you take the unique people and then mix them with together. That's a kind way of saying that, sometimes I hear about what works for a couple and I think, "couldn't be me, but good on them." 

Anyway, came home, got to message a little with Alexis. There's still 4 weeks before we get to be in the same place. Some moments, that feels like an eternity; other moments, it feels like my time here is almost done (and I'm not quite ready for that). 

Part of my bargain with my body is sleeping, so I'll let today stay short and not go on my tangents about communication, how I feel, relationships, etc. 

Matthew gets back tomorrow and our 3 other men come in! Our women leave tomorrow morning for their retreat as well. 

-for us to walk in step with the Spirit
-for good team dynamics
-for blessing on the women's retreat this weekend
-for no one to be sick, not even me
-for our guys' team as they travel
-for our new team as we adjust
-for the CDI kids and H@ngout students
-for the church here to be blessed
-for our homies in the Balkans
-for everything going on in the US right now

New gecko friend on our wall today
