Day 41: Still Tired

Shorter and shorter posts, but still posting, lol.

Today was a tired day. 7:20 start. Woke up with an hour-old text from Izzy saying she had a headache and didn't feel good, asking if she could rest today (obvs, yes). So, Katie and I loaded up the macaroni and cheese (and some sandwich supplies, because it didn't feel like enough) and headed to the CDI.

Lagos and Ana Raquel were opening it up when we got there (so good to have them back!), so we got everything ready, chatted a bit, and then the kids started showing up. 

We had a small crew for the first session today, which was nice. We did need to use the sandwiches to supplement the mac and cheese though. Also today, a lot of the early group didn't have school because one of their teachers was sick or something. So, several of the kids stayed later and there was some overlap between the two groups. In that space, Katie went to get more sandwich supplies so that there would be enough food for everyone. 

The devotional time went well enough Some of the kids are really taking the verse to heart. And, now that we're letting them stick the heart-leaves on themselves, they really enjoy it. 

I did homework time with Diego and then with Ian, both of which are really interesting kids to work with. I was so sleepy by the time I worked with Ian though. I'll need to be more careful about Monday and Wednesday nights. I want to bring my A-game for these kids. 

When all was said and done, we walked home by way of the pharmacy, and got some meds for Izzy. Hopefully she'll be better tomorrow! I can't tell, but I feel a little off myself; I can't tell if it's just being sleepy and pushing too hard running, or something else, lol. Stay tuned! 

We chilled for a bit, then grabbed dinner. I got to walk in the rain some, which was fun. Ate dinner, watched a movie.

I spent some time working on some money and admin stuff, budgeting and all that. Money is a weird thing; and money given for ministry is a weirder thing. So, I exist in the tension between living in freedom and peace here to just use the money we have for the life we're living here, and trying to stretch that money and live very cheaply and simply. It's a good and stretching tension, and an appropriate one. I think most good things of our faith are meant to be in tension.

After figuring out the money stuff, I made a mistake. I took a nap. Now, I am back awake, but still tired. I should have run then. But, tomorrow morning is a good time for running. But, if I run now, I can do laundry while I sleep and then my clothes will have all day tomorrow to dry. Conundrum. 

What will he do? We don't know. First, he will publish this blog, maybe do the wordle. Maybe respond to the stacked-up messages on Discord. 

-for us to walk in step with the Spirit
-for good team dynamics
-for our new team, coming Saturday!
-for our sister team in the Balkans right now!
-for continued connection with all the people we're ministering to
-for wisdom
-for me to fight to turn my heart towards God more and more
-for Izzy to get un-sick!
-for rest for our team before our new team is formed

What a precarious and blurry Jenga tower

Dylan can recite all of this!

Our tree grows!


  1. Wordle 370 2/6


    I did the Wordle :D


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