Day 39: shortish post!

We got to the CDI early today! I was worried, since we're the ones who are opening it up right now, since Georgen esta en Honduras. She's doing a training for CDI leaders put on (and funded, i think) by the hub church in Honduras. I almost spent a summer in Honduras, doing Honduras LT. I went to Monterrey though (and I'm very glad I did - it changed my life), because I was asked. Do you ever wonder about decisions like that? Ones that are Big and both options are Good? What in my life would have been different? Better and worse? It's very freeing, being able to trust in God. Otherwise, I would actually go crazy when I had to make big decisions. Anyway, those are my unsolicited thoughts on my life as concerns Honduras.

I woke up at 7:20 today, which felt early. It only felt early because I've been casually drifting back towards nocturnality. I am, by nature, a morning person. If you're ever around me in the morning after I've had semi-decent sleep, please know that even though I am obnoxious and chipper, it is me being restrained. 

Matthew flew to Texas today. He is in a wedding this week, but we'll get him back soon. We feel his absence though. The things I did today for English with the kids were not very high caliber. I have my fortes, but this team is a team for a reason. 

Generally, everything at the CDI went well today. We came up with a craft for Diego to work on, the kids were fairly engaged in the devotional time. I need more games. I default towards things that are growing for college students, but 5-year-olds don't want an existential conversation on the nature of love. The first group didn't have school-goers, so we didn't need to walk anyone anywhere. This was nice (given our staffing), but I did miss Jeikol y Jeremy. The first group was not huge fans of the frijole-y-queso tortillas que servimos, but the second group loved them (we ran out, unfortunately). By the end of the first group, I was  t i r e d. By the end of the second group, I was still tired.

We got to add "leaves" to our "tree" today! And will on Thursday as well. Izzy lifted up some of the littlest ones so they could reach. They were very excited by the prospect of leafing the tree.

After everyone left, we headed home and Katie made pancakes for dinner. We watched a movie together and then kinda drifted to our rooms. 

I went for a run (it was ok). I texted Alexis for a little while (it was lovely). I took a shower (it was wet). I thought about blogging, then went for a walk. I got to eat sandwiches and talk with Manny for a while, which was nice. He's really chill and I enjoy talking to him. We talked about family and about his life in New Jersey and Costa Rica. We talked about language and I shared a bit about the CDI and what we do and why. Good conversation. 

Tomorrow is H@ngout. Katie will be sharing her testimony, which I think will open up a lot of gospel opportunity, as Izzy's did last week. Our new team comes in on Saturday! 

-for us to walk in step with the Spirit
-for good team dynamics
-for good connection with H@ngout and the CDI
-for God to bless and guide the directly spiritual parts of H@ngout and the CDI
-for our new team next week!
-for the team in the Balkans right now!

the face speaks for itself
