Day 37: Much Good Food

There probably won't be a lot of flavor to this post - ok, that's not meant to be a pun - what I mean is, it probably won't be super interesting, since I'm kind of not in the mood to listen to myself type. Not in a negative way, just in a "mostly bored with my own brain" way. 

It was a really good day. We got to have breakfast today with Tannia's family today! They invited us over for Gallo Pinto, and we got to spend the morning hanging out and talking with them. It was an amazing breakfast and a phenomenal conversation. We got to spend time with Don Rodrigo (Don and Doña, from my understanding, are used to show respect, but in a friendly way? Less formal than "Mr.", but still respectful), who both looks and sounds a lot like his son, Rodrigo. Tannia had a partido de futbol that was pretty important today, and it was Father's Day, but they had us over anyway, which was really sweet. They are a really kind family. 

This was a weird Father's Day for me. I wasn't really able to call home, which has seemed like a small thing in the past, but it feels very strange being unable to do it. I sent a FB message to my dad and an email to my brother, but it's not really the same. I really enjoy and feel very loved and blessed by my family, but sometimes it can feel like my life pulls me further away from them than I'd like to be. 

Maybe it's just the mid-thirties learning curve, but family is really important. I've had amazing friendships over the last several years. I feel deeply blessed to get to meet so many people and get to have some deep connection moments with people who reflect God's image in a way that has stretched and challenged and empowered and blessed me. But, through it all, there's something about my family that no friendships can ever match. Maybe every family is like that, maybe I've just been blessed to have a God-honoring family that has (along with its brokennesses) a uniquely empowering and freeing culture. I don't know. But, I feel very blessed. I think I used that word like 20 times now. 

Cool, so y'all got some of my thoughts anyway.

We got groceries and chilled for a bit this afternoon. I got to message with Alexis about some good stuff. I napped some. I read some. 

Carlos Gomez y su esposa, Gladys, nos invitaron a su casa to have dinner with them on Father's Day. It was a fun group: the 4 gringos, Esther, Rebecca (spelling?), Gabby, Tannia, Carlitos (Don Carlos' son). We ate an amazing Honduran food called baleadas (bala means bullet, so baleada means "bullet-ed," or "shot," specifically a person or thing that has been shot). They were amazing. Esther made tortillas (apparently, she's really good at it), and we put beans, shredded meat, quesito, egg, and some kinda pickled something into them. It was solid comfort food. I drank tea (i'm only drinking water unless it seems like being a good guest to drink something else). 

We played Loteria afterwards, which was fun. If you don't know, it's kinda like bingo. I won once, but only the last round, with a rule that you can't win twice (otherwise 4 people would have beaten me). And my win woulda been a 3-or-4-way tie, but I just shouted fastest. 

After the game, Don Carlos drove us home and we watched a movie. Now I'm blogging. I didn't Wordle yet. Ok, I did it; it was ok. 

I think I feel sad today, but I'm not really sure why. Like, I know of a couple of factors, but I can't quite place it.

Tomorrow, I need to think of a good lesson for the kids at the CDI. It'll be for tomorrow and Tuesday. The goal is to focus on loving other people well. I don't know how to make that engaging for non-universitarios.

Did you know that, in a cartel shootout in Mexico, a monkey was there wearing a bulletproof vest?

-for us to walk in step with the Spirit!
-for good team dynamics
-for us to engage well with our friends in the church here
-for wisdom in engaging with the kids at the CDI and the students at the UNA
-for GOSPEL opportunities
-for good communication
-for our team to grow in our relationships with the Lord
-for our friends in the Balkans right now

I have no idea if I took pictures today. Let's find out together (though you'll already know before you read this, and I don't know while I'm writing it):

This is a Venus Flytrap that belongs to Rodrigo, I think.
I took this picture to send to Kevin, but haven't yet.
