Day 17: White Rabbit* is Really Addictive Somehow

I felt like I was sleepwalking most of today. Not really sure why. Maybe tired and sore from yesterday.

That, combined with the White Rabbit title, makes it seem like this is going to be about drugs or the Matrix. Sorry to disappoint.

It was a good day though. I woke up and ran to the Sabana park. It's just under a mile, so when I reached the 1-mile mark, I sat and thought at God for a while. But, doing that just led to me feeling more insecure and stirred-up than I wanted to (which probably means I really need to have some stuff pulled out of my heart). I walked back home, so I don't get to give myself credit for the 2 miles I was supposed to run today, but that's ok. 

I got home and took a shower, then took a nap. Around 12:25, Matthew, Katie, and I got ready to head to the CDI (Izzy was meeting up with Ana Raquel!). We walked over, and started getting stuff set up for the kids. I got to talk a little bit with the bigger kids (Angel, Erick, se), who were there early for an English lesson with Reychel

The other kids trickled in and we did our thing. We now have a set schedule, so (though it may get some tweaks) we'll mostly stick to that rhythm for the duration, I expect (famous last words, kid). We played, we ate lunch, we had a devotional. I've been leading these, since Mateo is usually prepping for the English lesson, and it's in Spanish, though Katie and Izzy will lead some too. We've been acting them out, but we didn't this time, since it was Jesus getting crucified. I figure the kids aren't quite ready to do that respectfully, lol. So, that went a little short. We played for a bit, then had the English lesson. I got to work with Nahomi/Genesis, Iker, y Saul. Saul is very sweet, but hard to get to focus. Iker likes me, but has a hard time obeying. Nahomi is sweet when she wants to be. We practiced being verbs today. 

Afterwards, we played group games (card games/board games), then did homework. I worked on big number addition/subtraction with Axel y Saul. I love these kids so much; it's really cool to see them choose to focus and stretch their brains. Especially Axel. He can write really well, but only in the sense of neatly copying things. He struggles to read and spell and gets frustrated with it quickly. But, they both worked really hard today, and I'm proud of them. I told them as much. 

Then, we played for the last 30 minutes until parents came. 

Ana Raquel very tactfully sprayed the kids' heads with tea tree oil and checked them for lice. She turned into a fun almost-game of getting squirted with the tickly, funny-smelling water. I don't know if the kids picked up on the why behind it. A couple of them asked me why I shaved my head, but I didn't really answer. I don't want to like shame them or anything. About 3 of them had lice, I think.

We hung out at the CDI for a while after the kids had gone home. Georgen y Reychel had been joined today by Christopher, who knows Reychel from dance. So, the three of them stayed with us and we were all joined by Josue y Derek, the husband/father and son/brother of Georgen y Reychel, respectively (did you track with that?). Josue is just a little older than me, so he and I talked about video games and movies that we grew up on and he told me about the ones he's into currently. We talked about Marvel movies (as you do) and stuff like that.

After a while, we started walking back home (then I ran back to get my backpack). None of us really felt like waiting for the time it would take to cook food, so we stopped and ate at Quiznos. There's a lot of American food places near the CDI, and not very many small, fun, local places. But, Quiznos was really good. 

We came home after eating and did some more lice-checking and treatment. We want to make sure that any and all eggs are either removed, or the critters are killed as soon as they hatch. We found a few eggs that had been missed. Then we watched a movie together while my laundry ....laundered? 

Pretty chill day, but still felt out of it for most of the day.

*White Rabbit is a Chinese (?) candy that Matthew found. It's quite good. 

-for us to walk in step with the Spirit
-for the devotionals with the kids to be helpful and impact them
-for energy for tomorrow!
-for good team dynamics
-for the church here to be blessed
-for Matthew's teaching on Friday night!
-for my teaching next Friday
-for scheduling and plan to work out well
-for wisdom in ministry opportunities
-for no more lice

Hm...did I take pictures today? Let's check.
Nope, nada. But here's an Iguana for your troubles:


  1. You realize using a random picture of an Iguana doesn't help with the whole, "White Rabbit is candy, not a drug" thing?

  2. Good point. Talking to myself probably doesn't help either.

    1. Lol, naw, i don't do that. I'm already weird enough :)


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