Day 14: tiny post

Well, that makes 2 weeks, folks. that's 20% of our trip.

Today I went for a run, but without music, since my mp3 player was in a bad mood. It was an ok run, felt uncomfortable, but good. I made a running schedule the other night, I'm curious to see if I stick to it. It'd get me up to 5 miles by the end of the summer!

Afterwards, I sat and worked on the teaching I'm supposed to give on the 10th. I posted my initial notes here. It's very short. It needs work. I also don't know whether to have bullet points in a notebook, or the whole written-out thing on my phone or in a notebook or.... usually, in English, I just write it out and then make bullet points for a HG teaching and the one time I shared in church. Anyway, nervous. Worked on it and it feels better though. 

Afterwards, I read for a second and got a little nap in. Then, had a meeting with Lagos, Ana Raquel, and Katie to talk about how things were going. It was a generally encouraging meeting; they are very pleased with our teams and how we're doing. I came out of the meeting sad though, but that happens sometimes. 

We Uber'd to church and met Matthew and Izzy there. Matthew led worship in Spanish like a boss. It was really powerful. Lagos taught about community. He killed it. One thing he said that I loved was that your community can never forget why it exists. Preach. 

After church, we went to some restaurant inside a hotel. I had a burger, it was awesome. Matthew tried some fish was...aight. There were some concerns about the fish. We'll see how it goes. We talked and hung out, then Uber'd home. 

Our Ubers today were very interesting; we had a speedy-fast driver, who I really enjoyed. We had a guy who listened to Jesus music, but didn't want to talk much. We had a guy who listened to classic rock and did want to talk a lot (about Jesus). 

Now we're chilling at the apartment, listening to Matthew listen to music while Izzy and Katie play tiny Jenga. I feel really tired for a day where I didn't do much. Maybe it's because it's late. So far, no lice still.

The end. 

-for us to walk in step with the Spirit
-for me to engage well with God
-for us to rest well tomorrow
-for no lice
-for good connection to the H@ngout peeps on Sunday
-for this church to continue to thrive and be healthy
