Day 13: The Spanish Word for Lice is Piojos

How was that for a fun title?

It were a good day this day today. I'm in a weird headspace though, so this might be short, might be weird, no telling really. What an adventure. We have fun though, don't we?

Woke up, had a breakfast apple. Decided making lunch was more effort than was merited by the idea of being fed. We walked to the CDI, as we do. We got there a little late, as we do on Tuesday/Thursday mornings. 

Today is the last CDI day of the month (which reminds me I should send out a prayer letter/email thing sometime next week), so they had a party to celebrate all of the May birthdays. This is a very clever way to both be able to celebrate the kids, and also not worry super much about remembering all of the birthdays and paying to celebrate multiple times a month and letting the lessons be derailed. So, for the party, we had cake and ice cream and pizza. We almost didn't have pizza, but I'll get there.

What that means is that we gave the kids a ton of sugar and basically just played with them the whole time. They loved it. And they were a handful. They were all-of-our-hands-full. It was really cool though and the kids had a lot of fun. For the first session, we had pizza at the end (i.e. lunchtime), and for the second session, we had pizza at the beginning (i.e. lunchtime), so we only had to get pizza once. Izzy and I went for the pizza at 10, so we could get it there before 11 and have the kids fed and school-clothes-ed and leave to walk them to school around 11:45. It was a 12-minute walk (including some mild going-the-wrong-way on my part) But, Pizza Hut (which is so ridiculously good here) told us they don't open until 11, so we left and came back at 10:53. We got in at 11:02 and had our pizza ordered and paid for by 11:10. They told us it would be a 25-minute wait, so we settled in. At 11:40, we received our pizza and started speed-walking back. We got back at 11:46 and had just enough time to pizza the kids and get them to school in time. 

Whew, fun times. Second group is older and was much more chill. There was less, Let's-Hit-Sam-With-Balloons and more interest in watching a movie and playing with blocks. There was some thwacking with the globos, or bombas is what I think the kids called them. It was more thwacking of each other though, and we had to do some crowd control. 

I was really glad when 4:00 came and the moms came. The three older kids whose names are troubly for me (Erick, Angel, ?) stayed a little longer and Reychel convinced the sweetest one to dance with her, while the other guys  l i t e r a l l y  rolled on the ground laughing at their comrade. Which was probably the most middle-school thing I've seen. So funny. They left after a little while, but Reychel wasn't done dancing, so she pulled her mom, Esther, and then Izzy and Katie into the fray. Georgen told me to dance, so I did some gringo bachata, then tapped back out. 

The dancing subsided and we walked back to our apartment, chilled for a while, then I made some pasta. But, I turned on the wrong stovetop thing, so it took forever to get the water to boil because the stove wasn't on. *sigh* The pasta came out ok. My room is by the trashcan, so I can still smell the pesto. 

We watched a movie as a team, which was fun. About 4/5 of the way through, we found out that some of the CDI kids probably had some piojos on them, so we did some hair checking. We haven't found any yet, but we're feeling sus. I took a shower because I felt itchy as soon as we started talking about them. Don't look up pictures of piojos, it'll leave you itchy. We'll be ok, but dealing with it would be a pretty lousy way to spend a weekend. See what I did there?

I did the Thursday Wordle (y'all, I didn't get it on Wednesday, to my great shame. I knew I shouldn't have tried "pouch"). I'll probably do Friday's in a minute. And, I got to chat with Alexis some, which was really lovely. It's weird that of the *does math* 45 days we've been together, almost a third of them have been separate. By the time I'm back, 70% of our relationship at the time will have happened with me in Costa Rica.

-for our team to walk in step with the Spirit
-for me to prioritize and seek connection with the Lord
-for a lot of H@ngout kids to come hiking with us Sunday
-for good conversations tomorrow
-for good team dynamics
-for NO lice
-for increased boldness and effectiveness in ministry

Reychel dancing with Matthew

Tannia dancing with Matthew
