Day 12: The Turn(s)

Today was a good day. Lots of small, but significant things happened, as I think about it. 

This is a long and unrelated parenthesis:
(Usually, when I say, "The Turn," I am referring to the moment in the timeline of a homegroup member when they "get it." The way our college homegroups are designed (in healthy operation), new people are welcomed in with a lot of love and focus on them. That's because we love them and want to see them fully step into our spiritual family. Part of that full involvement often includes a moment when church (homegroup) stops being about what they get out of it, and starts being about God himself

When that happens, a few key things change. Rather than only sharing or praying during worship when they feel like it, they start sharing for the sake of honoring God and blessing others in the group. Rather than only valuing homegroup for the love they receive, they begin to look for opportunities to love, serve, and welcome other people. Rather than coming to hangouts and fun things that are enjoyable to them, they start to come to things for the sake of learning and loving other people based on their hobbies. This doesn't happen for everyone, and it often happens right before they leave. When it doesn't happen, it's a huge blessing to be able to pour into people for the time we have them. When it happens right before they leave, it's incredibly exciting to know they are going into the world ready to serve and love in their next church family.)


Today, I woke up and ran 3 miles! Well, 2 and then 1 of run/walking. That is significant, because I haven't been able to get above 2, and 3 miles is once of my favorite distances to run. Hopefully this will be helpful for my plan to come out of the summer no longer in conflict with Running. 

I made pasta today! Ok, I know. I know it's not difficult to do. But, I was proud of myself for doing it. So, you can roll your eyes, or you can be proud of my baby steps. Made pasta for the kids at H@ngout, we loaded it and our supplies up and got an Uber to Heredia. 

Oh! I also downloaded the Uber today, so that's a whole new world in Sam's Understanding of Smart Phones. 

We got to Heredia, posted up on campus, and students started showing up. We had really good conversations, and the perfect amount of pasta, and everyone said they liked it (though the cheese and bread that Lagos and Ana Raquel brought really made it work, so). I got to have good Spanish and English conversations with Eileen ($5 says that's misspelled) and a different Ana (a.k.a. Arely?) and Isaac. Towards the end of the meal, Lagos talked a little bit about why they (and we) do what they (and we) do. He summarized it as Love. He said Love is the Way and that they want to start a movement based on Love and that the next week or so we'll be talking more about what that means. He's building towards sharing the gospel with these students in a way that isn't churchy (which would be off-putting) or fake, but based in actions and truth. So, I'm very excited for the opportunities that will be happening soon. 

We hung out on campus for  h o u r s  afterwards with Jose Carlos y Diana, it was really good and makes me excited for the future of our connection with these friends. Oh, I also learned I've been spelling Tannia's name incorrectly. Lo siento, Tannia.

After they left, we went and got coffee in a hipster little coffee shop in Heredia, and got to talk with Lagos and Ana Raquel more. It was a good conversation, mostly about music, but also ministry. It was refreshing, and the music was good.

We came back home and read for a little while and then I took a nap y'all. It was a lovely nap. I woke up and Matthew had made some kind of magic chicken for tacos for dinner. It was really, really good. I did some dishes afterwards, and then my phone got several voice messages from Alexis, so I've been listening to those now. WhatsApp and I have had a tenuous relationship, but I'm sold on it now. It's really nice to get to share about our days and listen to each other, even when our schedules don't line up for actual same-time conversation. 

Today, I had both Matthew and Izzy check in on me and ask how I was doing. I like that because it shows they're feeling ownership of the team. Love it. Also, Izzy shared some good ideas for tweaks and improvements over the next few weeks. Good things are lining up y'all. 

-for us to walk in step with the Spirit
-for us to be ready for any gospel opportunities that come up
-for us to be ready to steer and naturally create opportunities when they're aren't
-for the kids at the CDI to enjoy tomorrow (party)
-for the adults serving in the CDI to be refreshed in the Lord and filled with his love
-for Lagos and Ana Raquel to just be blessed and protected by God

Matthew can jump and is tall

we played cards for hours. Diana is left of Lagos and Jose is beside Izzy
