Day 15 (8): Working It

Today went really well, though I've felt off all day. Unsure why. 

Breakfast was tasty and worship was good. No one joined us today, but that was relaxing. I kept dropping things today, but nothing breakable. I just know that I'm going to break this phone. It's tuanis, I'm not used to it.

After worship, we made a plan for today, made lunches, and then headed to the CDI. We rode on the bus with the same driver that Sheryl befriended yesterday, which was cool. We stopped by the AM/PM to snag some snacks for the kids and then got into and set up the CDI. 

We got everything set up, cleaned a little, and then waited until the kids showed up. We had a smaller group than usual at first, but then Justin came and brought a new friend, Joshua, with him. We did our DBS (Discovery Bible Study) over the story of the guys unroofing the roof to lower their paralyzed friend to Jesus. We then had the kids act out the story to help solidify it, and to make it more fun. I did this one summer with my summer homegroup, and it was hil-arious. 

It stood out to me today that when Jesus healed the paralytic, he didn't comment on his faith (which he often does before performing a miracle), it mentions the faith of the friends. I think it's really important to be in community. When we don't have enough faith for ourselves, that of the people around us can be enough to carry us. Surround yourself with people of faith. You need it more than you think you do.

So yea. We played some games (chancho, ninja, etc.) and practiced using our voices for singing. We reviewed the English phrases we learned last time, and also practiced some math. We threw bouncy balls around and talked and played and generally loved on the kids. It went really well, but nothing unique or crazy that stands out to me.

The kids found my camera, so there's more pictures of them than usual. They tried to zoom in on pictures with their fingers, because they're used to phone cameras. 

We had one girl from the dance team join us (Rachel), which is really exciting! We are hoping to get more from H@ngout to come, but we'll see. That's an important prayer request, please be praying for it.

We did guitar lessons tonight after the CDI time. We had a smaller class, but dedicated. Matthew (c h a m p) taught strumming patterns and how to tune a guitar, then added the D chord to their repertoire and had them practice changing between chords in rhythm. It was a really good lesson; well put together, full of content, but not overwhelming, and with good amounts of individual attention offered to each student. Legit, he could do this professionally. And apparently do it professionally in two languages, so.  

We had Pizza Hut afterwards, because why not? That means we've collected all three since we arrived 15 days ago: Taco Bell, KFC, Pizza Hut.

We watched another episode of The Chosen. Jesus meets with Nicodemus and calls Matthew. I love how rag-tag it portrays the disciples as being.

- for students from H@ngout to help at the CDI
- for the kids at the CDI to absorb the structure of DBS
- for there to be continuing, sustainable versions of the things Lagos is having us help start after we leave


Andres got a selfie of him, Justin, and Joshua

Probably Sheryl caught some ninja action

Matthew playing chess with Derek, overseen by Justin

The same board we use for math is also very used for drawings
