Day 11 (4): Immanuel (a.k.a. we do be tired, favor de do a pray for us)

Another day happened! Matthew and I cooked breakfast, which means he made Gallo Pinto by doing a lot of complicated things, and I made eggs by making eggs (and taking little pieces of his leftover supplies to add flavor to the eggs). It was fun watching him work. Our stove uses induction. Induction, apparently, means magnets. So... we're cooking with witchcraft is about as far as I've gotten. It's very fast. 

Worship after breakfast. We sat at a picnic table this time. It was good...I think... I don't really remember any specific direction. We worshiped and prayed for the day, though I know some of the team didn't sleep very well last night. 

We bused to the CDI, no problema, and set up and got ready. Today, we decided that I would lead the DBS for the little kids, and that we would to the story of Zaqueo (Zaccheus). Georgen and the kids arrived, and we played, and then danced, and then started the lesson. Each time we ask the kids to pray to start, they pray the Lord's Prayer (in Spanish (obvi)). It's really, really cute. We do want them to see that we can also just talk to God though, so we're navigating that balance by having one of them pray before the DBS to start and one of us pray after to close.

The DBS time went pretty well, I think. It's hard to tell, because I'm not always sure what they are saying in their answers to the 3 questions we're using. But, they're getting the gist of the stories we're telling, and they were able to summarize the story from Tuesday. I can't tell if dealing with little kids and spirituality is incredibly simple or incredibly complicated. I think it's ok to just love them and share the truth, but I also don't want to lead them into any kind of cultural, surface-only Christianity. I think it's ok though, the truth is the truth and, though I'm sure they will all wrestle in their lives (that's kinda what it means to follow God), seeds of truth bear long-term fruit.

Anyway, the lesson of, "God loves all people, whether other people love them or not," generally seemed to get across, and that's a good foundational thing. I hope that some understanding of how big a deal it was that Jesus was there, and Zaccheus' desire to see him got through. We'll be able to dig into that more deeply with the bigger kids.

We played more and we sang more (we learned and sang the Zaqueo song, which Matthew played on his guitalele) and played more. We reviewed our English words that we had learned by playing a rhythm game (which the kids didn't quite get, but was really fun to watch them try). We also ran through some math lessons, though by that time the kids were running out of focus and we were running out of energy.

The team was very tired today. I think we're feeling the past 11 days. Tomorrow we'll have a rest, which will be really good. Well, something of a rest; we have some plans and we'll see how everything goes.

Lagos came for the end of the time at the CDI, and took us home on the bus. It was fun traveling with him after traveling by ourselves, because I think we felt less like his little gringo ducklings, and more like just some friends and co-laborers. We did follow him home though, and we ordered dinner for us while he made coffee. Dinner included some really good conversation about ministry and sustainability and priorities. I love how Lagos thinks about things. He and Ana are living so intentionally for the advancement of the gospel here in Costa Rica. They treat their whole lives as if they existed for God alone. I feel the yearning for that in my heart, but I think for me it too often becomes living for ministry and not living for God. I do the Martha/Mary thing very one-sided. Anyway, seeing how Carlos and Ana live (though obviously they aren't perfect) helps me remember what it looks like to live in a way that both feels true to my desire to leave everything out on the court and to have a love relationship with Jesus be the center of it. Anyway, Ana got back from Honduras late tonight, so I'm excited for them to be back together.

After dinner, we scooted back home to get ready for H@ngout over zoom. Lagos asked us to plan and lead the time today, as he was speaking at a church that night. Knowing how much they love and feel responsible to their students, it was a huge honor. We played some games together, had some interesting conversation and some good vulnerability. I really want to get to spend time in person with these students. I think that when COVID restrictions lift here, there will be an explosion of growth in this community. But that's God's business. The focus on small things and one-on-one discipleship is forming some deep roots, and I am so eager for the fruit to come. I shared from 1 Corintios 2 about how crazy it is that God would put his Spirit inside of us. If you read that chapter, there's some intense (and kinda crazy) implications to what Paul writes. I won't lay it out here, but you should go read it, for reals.

Also, my playlist right now is kinda wack, but reflects my mood. I'm alternating between worship, rap, music in Spanish, and Christian rap. So, now you know that.

After H@ngout, we talked and hung out a little as a team, and I had way too much fun sending gifs on the smartphone. Then we watched episodes 3 and 4 of The Chosen, which were legit (except the fish). Now, we're working on sleeping and getting ready for bed and all that. I'm sitting at the table typing, but also finishing writing out the first few verses of 1 John 4. I also may read a little from the Emotionally Healthy Discipleship book.

Also, Psalm 25 has been very powerful for our team. Will you take a minute and read it and pray it over us? Thank. 

- for our lessons with the kids to lay a foundation of respect and understanding of how to read scripture and lead them towards love for Jesus
- for our interactions with the college students to be replete with Christ's love and lead them to examine their priorities and look towards Jesus and invest in community here
- for our lil SpAnIsH bRaInS - they are so tired
- for the church here to grow in the ways and at the speed that God wants them to
- for Carlos and Ana, that God would just bless them and show them his love and provision deeply
- for all of the projects the church here is working on

We got a screenshot from our zoom call tonight, but I forgot to save it. That's my misfortune -.- 

The memory verse for the older kids

Selfie on the bus

S: 9
S: 9
K: 14
M: 14
