Hats, Spiritual Warfare, and LET'S GOOO

We're days away from leaving and I feel GREAT about the trip!

Our team is united, praying, and ready.

Our church rallied behind us by donating a TON of hats for us to give to the church in Costa Rica.
(Hats are a huge blessing to the homeless population there, as they are often discriminated against by, among other things, the fact that they are generally more sunburned than the rest of the population)

We leave Friday at 2PM to drive to IAH, whence our flight will leave at 6PM.

Here's a rough version of our schedule:

Friday - arrive. sleep.

Saturday - explore the city, build relationship with the church leaders (Carlos and Carlos), pick up the Ohio team* from the airport, church that night

Sunday - having a party/hangout time in the slum with kids and their parents. Carlos expects about 70 kids/100 total people

Monday - help Carlos (Gomez) work with the ministry that the CR church partners with (La Sala). La Sala focuses on loving and helping women who are desiring to leave the sex worker industry. We'll also work with the homeless population, which is largely comprised of refugees from Nicaragua.

Tuesday - help Carlos (Lagos) with the fledgling student ministry, H@ngout. A professor at the university is allowing their ministry to come to his English class and we'll all be allowed to meet and talk to the students about anything we want.

Wednesday - same as Monday

Thursday - same as Monday, with the possibility of helping out with a YoPro (Young Professionals) Bible Study that night

Friday - head home

*A sister church from Ohio (H2O, reaching out to students at The Ohio State University) is also partnering with the church in CR. They'll be focused on helping with H@ngout the whole week though, so we'll only see them in the evenings.

Pray for us please! As is always the case, we are seeing some spiritual attack in the form of discouragement and insecurities coming at our team.

In case you've ever wondered, "what would Sam look like with 86 hats on his head?"
