Training and Insecurity

Well, it's the spring semester now.That means Spring Break is getting close (ish)!

We're about halfway done with support-raising, which is amazing! Thank you to everyone who has given. If you haven't, but want to, the link is

We'll have our main team training time on February 23rd (please pray for us!). We'll spend a little time on evangelism (but everyone on our team is confident and competent on that front), we'll spend a little time on culture (though most of that will be learned when we're there)...but most of our time will be spent on how to take care of yourself emotionally while loving people well in tough circumstances. I'm doing research and collecting resources now for that.

I definitely feel inadequate to lead this team. I'm in a country I've never been to, working in conditions I don't have much experience with. Our team is amazing, but I so desperately want to make sure they're taken care of as we go on this trip. My biggest fear is that they'll feel poorly loved or poorly led or poorly equipped. Of course, I know that God will come through and that he's the one leading and equipping and loving and actually doing the work through us...but still.

Insecurities are funny things. Notice how the biggest focus of the insecurity is actually on ME. I want to do things well and love people well in order that I will be seen as a person who does things well and loves people well. It doesn't focus on others - I didn't say that I wanted them to be loved and well-led and well-equipped (though I obviously do want that). I said I wanted them to feel well-loved and well-led and well-equipped. See how the focus on perception is actually a focus on my glory rather than on God's glory or people's well-being? I think insecurity is inherently unloving because it focuses on the self rather than on the other person. Love, on the other hand, wants and works towards what is best for another person.

Maybe that's an over-simplified view of it, but that's where I'm at so far.
