
Post-trip Musings

It's funny looking at the clock on my computer and it actually being accurate. Time zones.  It's good to be home. I miss Costa Rica, but the million small things that remind me I'm home are nice. Home tastes like Chick-fil-a and Dr. Pepper on the way home from the airport. Home feels like Alexis' hand in mine. Home sounds like unintentionally eavesdropping on all the conversations around me because I can't tune out English like Spanish. Home feels like the frustration of mis-typed words on my flip phone. Home feels like the bochorno  heat of Texas summer. Home feels like knowing how to get around without a map or a Matthew to guide me. Home sounds like the throaty rumble of my bike when I go places. Home also feels like an unrelenting awareness of a million things that need done and a million people that I want to interact with. But, somehow, at the same time: Home feels like crossing the Rta Ncl 2 in Paseo Colon   Home feels like kneeling down to unlock the candado

Day 44-45: Last Day Days

Wednesday was fantastic.  We woke up early and cleaned the house, which is my idea of a good time. My plan was to thank the Diaz-Alvarez  family for their kindness and generosity by leaving them a confusingly clean house. Idk if we logramos  that goal or not, but it felt nice to clean.  H@ngout was great. We had pizza and played soccer and had great conversations. Wright State came this week and did a fantastic job interacting with the students and sharing good truth. I wore my hat because I had gotten sunburned on Saturday, and, even though he stayed in the shade, Matthew got sunburned pretty hardcore.  After H@ngout, we went with Izzy and Esther to chill at Esther's apartment for about 30 minutes, then headed to our farewell dinner.  The dinner was hosted by a family in the church, and it was a really sweet time. I was concerned at first, because we ended up with all the gringos  at one table, and all the ticos  and church people at the other. It turned out to be fantastic, howev

Day 42-43: Last CDI Days

Maybe you've noticed the trend of me progressively posting less frequently as this trip draws to a close.  I feel so tired. Good tired, mostly, but tired.  Monday went well. We had a good start to the day with some grocery shopping and worship. The CDI session was good; a lot of review time with the kids of what we've learned. Our evening plans changed, so we grabbed some dessert, swung by Momo, had pizza for dinner, finally got home. It was a good day, pretty chill. I felt very crunchy all day. I think some good things happened. Today was Tuesday, which means a long day. We got to the CDI just in time to open it up, though I left the kids' birthday party cake at the house, so I had to go get one from the AM/PM. Oh, yeah, today was the monthly birthdays party at the CDI. So, rather than lessons and homework, we played games, watched a movie, and had cake. It was a lot of fun, it was a lot of playing, it was a lot of energy. We had 2 Wright State gringos  there to help, whic

Day 40-41: Crazy Weekend, Crazy Week

The past two days feel like they've been three or four. I see two factors in this: 1. Here at the end of the trip, as I get closer to being home, time has slowed down. 2. Here at the end of the trip, as we get closer to leaving Costa Rica, we're trying to pack in as much activity as possible. I learned a new tico  expression: huesear . It's a verb. Hueso  is bone. It means "window shopping," and comes from the image of a dog gnawing on a bone. The idea is you chew on something, but don't eat it. Ok, so two days in one post.  SATURDAY Izzy went to stay with Esther  on Friday night, so Matthew and I partied together. And when I say "party," I mean, "wake up at 6 AM." You see, Matthew is a long-distance longboarder. And I think that's really neato. So, as part of a training build towards something epic , Matthew did his first 10k race this Saturday. We got up early so we could get done early and to use the skate track at Parque La Sabana  

Day 40: Postponed

I'll talk about today tomorrow. I'm tired and I need to organize our money spreadsheets.  It was a really good day though. Be praying for the H@ngout students!

Day 39: Sleep Matters

I'm taking a break from Duolingo to write this blog post. I'm in the top 3 of the Amethyst league with one day left, so that's obviously pretty exciting. I think if I spent more time listening to podcasts or watching movies in Spanish and less time playing on Duolingo, I would do much better. At one point, I finished Duolingo in Spanish, but they've since added a bunch of levels, so now I feel the need to get al the way through them again. I think I may soon get to a point where I just take the last-level test and finish it, but things like the subjunctive tense and weird verbs are really good for me to practice. A N Y W A Y Today, I rested. Like, I actually just slept most of the day. Now, I'm having a hard time falling asleep. Who knew?  Also, today I tried to buy tickets to go see a movie tomorrow. I don't mean to brag, but I'm pretty good at buying movie tickets. Going to watch movies by myself is one of my favorite expressions of my sometimes-hidden int

Day 37-38: Tacos and Trust

I made tacos!  for'd think after the pancake incident, we'd learn, but i did it. They came out pretty decent, because it's very hard to do taco meat wrong. We told all of the students at H@ngout that we were making Texan Tacos...but I think they just qualified as Texan because I made them, you know? They were well received though, so that was very encouraging.  Matthew shared some good encouragement and good gospel truth with everyone. We had two students come up to him afterwards to ask what it meant to be friends with God or friends with the world. Good. Stuff. Afterwards, it started pouring rain, because that's what Costa Rica does in the afternoons in June. We went inside the Filosofia y Letras  building and ended up hanging out and playing games with students until 5. I think it was one of the best H@ngouts we've had, at least for me.  That night, we got dinner with the newly-arrived Wright State team. I enjoyed meeting them and hearing about thei

Day 36: Short and Short

Tuesday Night means tired.  Today went well. I was sluggish all day at the CDI, even with a Power Snack. The devotional seemed to land the second session, I feel unsure about the first session. During the first session, we saw a traffic collision happen right outside the CDI, so there's not really any group recovery after that. A motorcycle ran the stop sign and got hit by a car. The guy was ok, but dang. That's how sleepy I am, I forgot about that until just now when I was trying to figure out why the first session was so long.  Matthias  (or maybe Matias ?) was the troublemaker today. He refused to listen or comply with  a n y t h i n g  that was asked of him, including holding my hand on the walk to school (he's small enough and enough of a wildcard that I think it's needed). He cried and fought and kicked and yelled the entire trip. Sometimes he would just stop and fall over, so I had to carry him a few times. He liked that even less than holding my hand. It's h

Day 35: Freedom

Monday means a lot of things, I guess. Today, Monday means a great day.  We got up and to the CDI earlier than usual today. James was going to leave for the airport at 10:30 AM, and we wanted to squeeze a little more time and work out of him before he left. The Uber ride was pretty chill (which was somehow rare for this weekend). Upon arrival at the CDI, I immediately began listing out the things we were supposed to work on, and was gently reminded that we were supposed to worship and pray first. So, we did that.  It's humbling that I still want to default to Doing over Being. If I ever get my legs or arms bitten off by a jaguar, I want to state here and now that it was my own fault for being so slow to learn to be still before the Lord. Not to worry, it's very unlikely we'll encounter any jaguars though.  Getting to pray for our team and over the CDI was really, really powerful. I think for future trips, I'm going to recommend that at least one worship and prayer night

Day 34: Not Wrong, Just Different

Mmmmmhm....stuff happened today. Lessee.  I got up early, but not as early as Matthew or James. Matthew got up early and made the Gallo Pinto  for our Father's Day Men's Breakfast Time Event Thing. The pinto  was well received. The guys said Matthew was, " listo para casarse, " which is like a Thing people say here when someone makes good food.  James shared at the time and it was really powerful. He shared some foundational paradigms and perspectives for the men. He talked about the importance of grace in our relationships as husbands and fathers. He shared that people are designed to encounter and overcome challenges and that we find joy in it, so not to be discouraged when challenges come. He shared about the freedom we have in Christ, and something in the way he shared just hit different. I... don't know how to explain it, but it was really powerful to think that I don't have to try so hard, but I can relax, be myself, and trust (and follow) God. Afterward

Day 33: Different. Heavy. Good.

Did you know that in 6 months, I will be married? Pretty dope.  Today was very different than expected, but very good.  Have you ever seen the movie, "500 Days of Summer?" I really like it, but a lot of people don't. Anyway, there's a scene where it shows a side-by-side version of what the protagonist expected and what really happened, and it's just really well done. Not happy, but.  Anyway, I thought about typing out my own version of that for today, like, two columns or something. But I'm far too lazy for that.  We were expecting that today the girls (team + church + H@ngout) would hang out and go swimming and do stuff together, while the guys (team + church + H@ngout) would hang out and go hiking and talk about Stuff together. The girls did their thing, but all of the H@ngout guys had to back out or change plans. Father's Day weekend is hard for some of the students who don't have positive relationships with their dads. Stuff like that makes me real

Day 32: Well, Glad That's Over With

Today went pretty well, I reckon.  We got up early to send Sheryl home, then I went back to sleep.  I woke up again and went for a run, which was refreshing. I didn't run very far, and I didn't run very fast, but I ran, and that feels good. No green squares/yellow squares/red squares this year.  After a shower, I cleaned the house some, since James came tonight. I didn't clean it much, but some. Like, if you walked in, you'd not say, "wow, someone cleaned this house!" But, you also wouldn't say, "wow, someone needs to clean this house." That's the medium I aim for.  Izzy went to meet with one of the H@ngout students, and Matthew went to a coffee shop to hang out with Jesus. So I worked some more on my teaching for tonight.  Matthew and I bought some salads and we went to church. I gave my teaching, Matthew led worship (it included  this song , but obviously even better sounding). I don't feel great about the teaching, but I don't feel

Day 31: Coulda Sworn I Posted Yesterday

But I guess not.  Wednesday was good! We made some tuna pasta mayonnaise stuff for H@ngout. I spilled mango juice on myself. There were games and good conversations. Here's the IG Post . I spent some time last night working on my teaching. I think it's almost ready, but I don't think I am.  Today was Thursday, which means CDI. I realized about 1:30 AM that I was responsible for the devotional today. Also, I set my alarm for the wrong day, but fortunately, got up anyway.  The CDI day went really well! We had a small group in the morning and a BIG group in the afternoon. Jeikol  was really good today. He was gentle and attentive. Please keep praying for him and whatever's going on in his life.  The devotional for the small group was ok. They were a little young to track with the concepts deeply, but I think the idea of respecting authority sunk in a little more. The second group was much more involved and invested. We were able to talk a little bit about authority and res

Day 29: Actually Concise

Tuesday means a long day. We started early at the CDI, but the lessons seemed to go really well. I felt tired today, especially in the second session.  Mateo  told us that he did well on the tests we helped him study for, which was encouraging. I'm trying to help him learn to identify key concepts in his studying, instead of getting overwhelmed by all of the information. We got to study together today for his next test, so we'll see how that went. We came home to prepare pancakes for the Bible Study tonight. Several people came early, but we still got everything ready in time. It is not currently established if the pancakes I tried to make all came out bad because I am bad at making pancakes, or if there were other factors involved. This post is short because I am tired. I think tomorrow evening I will finalize my teaching for church on Friday. I still feel nervous.  I also feel sad. I feel very rudderless and unsure of myself. I feel more keenly the loss of friends from this p

Day 28: Passion

I got all stirred up today, but then I laid down to start typing and all I really feel is sleepy now.  Today was a really good day. We started the day (well, I did, some of the team had already been up) with worship and prayer. The song that stuck out most to me was "What a Friend We Have in Jesus."  I don't get very easily discouraged or anxious, but I do spend a lot of my time spinning my wheels trying to make things work. "Take it to the Lord in prayer" is a needed admonishment fir me. Thank y'all for praying for me. We went to the CDI a little early, because two of the kids needed to come early. So, we got ready while playing with them, which was cool. I really like when there's fewer kids, because we can spend less time focused on crowd control and more time individually engaging with students (I'm sure all the teachers are thinking, "duh and amen").  The devotional lesson we're on now is "Respect for Authority." Our vers